
Intelligently Wired Manual

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Welcome to the Intelligently Wired Manual
Here you will find the basics of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).
All NLP main techniques are covered.
Along with face to face training NLP can make a huge difference in your life.
But even if you can't get to a training please enjoy discovering the gems that NLP has to offer!!
Enter the name for this tabbed section: How to use this Manual
You can use this manual any way that suits you. Either work through the different pages in order, or just pick any page that interests you. Every page is standalone. However reading through all the pages will give you a better understanding of how NLP works and the value it can bring to your life.

There is no substitute for face-to-face training. This manual will help you learn about NLP. But the real value for you will be in learning with a trainer.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: A bit about NLP
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is concerned with how top people in different fields obtain outstanding results and how their successful thinking patterns and behaviour can be copied. It is concerned with what happens when we think, the effect of our thinking on our behaviour, and its effect on the behaviour of others. It shows us how we can think more usefully and thus achieve more.

NLP teaches us how to communicate, inwardly and outwardly, in a way that can make a difference between mediocrity & excellence, between just existing & really living.

NLP is both an art, and a science, of personal excellence. It is an art because the way that we think and act is unique to each of us and any description - especially of feelings, attitudes and beliefs - is bound to be highly subjective. It is a science because it incorporates well researched methods that can be used to identify the thinking patterns that lead to successful behaviour.

The History of NLP

NLP was developed in the mid-seventies by Richard Bandler, then a mathematician, computer expert & psychotherapist, and John Grinder, a professor of linguistics, out of their collaborative work as ‘behavioural modellers’. In this project, they were concerned with ‘how’ things worked rather than with theoretical descriptions of them. Initially, they modelled the most effective therapists, people like Carl Rogers (Person Centred Counselling), Fritz Perls (Gestalt Therapy) & Virginia Satir (Family Therapy), to discover similar ‘effective patterns’ underlying their individual styles of behaviour. They systematised these ‘patterns’ and made them available to other therapists.

From the range of skills they integrated and synthesised to develop this work, they created what came to be known as NLP.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Concepts of NLP

From their studies of successful people, the originators of NLP derived a number of important concepts about human functioning. They used these to make generalisations about people’s subjective experience. By applying their new NLP ‘theory’ to a range of human situations, they were able to design techniques that could be used to deliberately change their own or other people’s experience of themselves and their world. NLP turned out to be a powerful tool!

The Structure of Human Thinking

One of the breakthrough concepts of early NLP was that human thinking is ‘coded’ in ways that are partly common to all of us but also unique to each individual. By ‘coded’ I mean that the sensory information we take in through our eyes, ears and skin is ‘translated’ into thoughts and the components of thoughts - pictures, words, sounds, distance, size, colour etc. are ‘organised’ in particular ways. Some of this sensory information may be more significant to one person than it is to another so it becomes both ‘translated’ and ‘organised’ in ways that are special to them.

The NLP originators would probably argue that it is this process of translation and organisation that accounts for ‘character’ or ‘personality’ and they would certainly argue that it explains a lot about how people learn, remember things (and forget them!), and also how people feel about things that they have experienced in the past and ‘recreate’ them with ‘thought patterns’ that may or may not be useful in their lives.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Training
There is no substitute for face-to-face training. This manual will help you learn about NLP. But the real value for you will be in learning with a trainer.

Please contact me through the link at the top of the page to find out when the next training session will be or to arrange a training session for yourself.

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